Introducing a simple but powerful exercise: NAME, TAME, and REFRAME
This simple exercise helps you understand the relationships between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. It’s an effective process to gain more self-regulation and a higher Emotional Quotient (EQ). Based in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and very helpful in working through blocks in career counseling, as well.
Here we go…follow this summary or the expanded version in the link.
What barriers, concerns, or negative beliefs are present? Write down and consider the resulting feelings and behavior. This NAMES the belief
Dispute these irrational beliefs; question them so you can replace them with more adaptive beliefs. Provide alternative evidence that disputes them. This TAMES the belief
As yourself what would be a more positive or helpful belief? Not pollyanna but believable. Ask about resulting feelings and behaviors. Record results. This REFRAMES the belief
Try it out and share your thoughts!
Page below copied from NCDA Career Developments, Summer 2024