Career Values Exploration And Decision-Making Guide
This Career Values Exploration and Decision-Making Guide is a powerful tool for those who want to get started now but aren’t quite ready or able to commit to career coaching. It will help you get unstuck and make a career or job decision that is sustainable and fits you and your values.
Many people make career decisions based on other people’s values, instead of their own. It’s easy to do because we love our family and friends and respect our colleagues and want to follow their advice and maintain a sense of harmony. Family and friends don’t necessarily know or share our values, however, and can guide us in a direction that leads to distress and burn out.
What is important to you? What gives your life meaning and purpose? These answers relate to your Top Values. In this downloadable Guide, I share assessments and ask more key questions to help you discover your top values, then I show you how to use them to make aligned decisions in your career and job search.Click PayPal button below to purchase and receive via email.