Bountiful Fall Blessings to You! I hope this letter finds you healthy and happy. Just in the last week, here in Northern California, the weather has turned a little more crisp in the evenings, and it’s starting to feel like Fall. It's been an eventful year for me, so far. This last Spring, I moved to Sonoma County, and the transition demanded a lot of my focus and energy. I now feel settled and have been enjoying the rich offering of wines and food in this area, as well as the outdoor beauty. A stock photo of my new hometown of Petaluma This Fall also marks my second semester providing academic and career counseling part-time at Santa Rosa Junior College. I am enjoying working with my team and supporting student success on a variety of levels, while continuing to thrive in the expanded creativity of seeing clients through my business. For those who don't know, I didn't always enjoy my work, however... When I initially moved to the Bay Area, I worked as a Case Manager with a loud, chaotic non-profit in San Francisco. As an Introvert, the noise overwhelmed me, and I struggled to focus. My supervisor was a critical micro-manager, and the focus was on pushing paperwork versus developing client connections. I hated going to work each day and couldn't wait until 5 o'clock. After that job mercifully ended, I took time for soul searching and clarified what was most important to me, vowing to make my next career decisions carefully. These choices ended up leading to college counseling and eventually starting my own business. If you feel ready for some soul searching, feel free to check out my Career Clarity Questionnaire, which may give you further clues. Back to the present...So now, after my recent season of transition, I am ready to once again work to increase the counseling services I offer through Navigating Transitions. I am excited to re-focus on growth and reaching out to clients in my local area – and beyond through phone and Skype. As one way to support this expansion, I am now leading my active and successful Meetup group on career transitions in Petaluma, offering events once a month. The next Meetup is Friday, October 13th and will include career transition tips and networking time. I invite you to join us, or would love if you spread the word to others who might benefit. If you don't live in the area, I suggest making a trip of it and going wine tasting or sight seeing! My passion is still helping talented Introverts who have outgrown their jobs - and may be distracting or isolating themselves and feeling disconnected from their greatest gifts - to recognize and focus these gifts in a rewarding career that feels like play and makes a huge difference in the world. But I have found in my own life and in work with clients over the last 10 plus years, that having talents or gifts does not equate automatically to success. Two of the most important additional components in success, I believe, are a love of learning and persistence, or “Growth Mindset.” A recent blog post I read on the website, Udacity, “The Importance of Curiosity and Persistence in a Knowledge Economy,” analyzes this in an interesting way, including discussing the difference between resilience and persistence (hint: reactive vs. active). The post ends with this, “These are individuals who have taken it upon themselves to learn something new, and despite the pressures of the outside world (work commitments, family obligations, financial pressures, etc.), they stick it out, and they learn, and they achieve, and these achievements make new and better futures possible.” I also wanted to share a few quotes on this topic from well-known people, which I find inspirational:
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Kristina Bennett Cheney, MA, CCC - Certified Career Counselor, helping mid-career professionals who are burnt out and frustrated in careers that drain their energy, to discover and transition to meaningful careers that fit and energize them. Archives
August 2024